Aisthesis or Perception |
An Archaeological Dig |
Before Our Feet Hit the Ground |
Commentary on the Song of Songs by Gregory the Great |
Conversatio and Converso |
Getting Up and Walking Away |
Life of St Anthony by St Athanasius 1 |
Life of St Anthony by St Athanasius 2 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Gregory of Nyssa 1 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Gregory of Nyssa 2 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Gregory of Nyssa 3 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Origen 1 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Origen 2 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Origen 3 |
Notations on the Commentary on the Song of Songs by Origen 4 |
Notations on the Making of Man by Gregory of Nyssa 1 |
Notations on the Making of Man by Gregory of Nyssa 2 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 1 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 2 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 3 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 4 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 5 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 6 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Bernard of Clairvaux 7 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Gregory of Nyssa 1 |
Notations on the Song Commentary by Gregory of Nyssa 2 |
Note on Martyrdom by Origen |
Notes on First Homily for Vigil of Nativity by St Bernard - Latin Text |
On Prayer by Origen 1 |
On Prayer by Origen 2 |